Archive for May, 2014|Monthly archive page

DTB or not DTB… Part II

Well it’s taken me a lot longer to post this than I’d originally intended. Partly because of time (or, rather, lack of it) and partly because since my last posting on this topic I’ve re-installed Linux on the laptop and had forgotten most of what I did previously! Fortunately I’d taken a backup of things!

(edit 2 may 2014: Even longer than when I first started writing this part as I’ve been through a number of changes in Linux since!)

In part 1 I said how the files for a recording are held in a directory (“folder” in Windows parlance) such as


Within this directory are a number of files with the suffix .trp These files need to be combined.  To do this I use a piece of software called ProjectX available from Sourceforge here:

Though ProjectX can combine the files into a single video file, I found that the audio and video were out of sync.  The solution I found was to select and option in ProjectX to aplit the audio and video components then use the mplex command in Linux to re-multiplex them into a single file. For Ubuntu/Mint (and probably Debian) mplex is part of the mjpegtools package which is installed with the command

sudo apt-get install mjpegtools

Stage I – ProjectX

After the ProjectX ZIP file has been downloaded, unzip it then cd into the directory:

cd Project-X_0.91.0

Then start the program with the following command:

java -jar ProjectX.jar

You then need to load all the .trp files.  The following image shows the icon to select (arrowed). A file picker pops up from where you select the required files.

ProjectX file picker

ProjectX file picker









Once the files have been selected, make sure you specify a suitable location for Output directory then click on prepare >> and select de-mux:

ProjectX Process window

ProjectX Process window









Finally, click on the green arrow to start the process.  You may get some warnings appear but I’ve found they can usually be ignored.

In the output directory you will find a number of files, for example:


The next task is to use mplex to create a .MPG file which will have the video and audio in synch:

mplex -f 8 dvr2010111020022501.rec00.mp2 dvr2010111020022501.rec00.m2v -o MyProg.mpg

The resultant .MPG file can then be played or, if desired, written to DVD using DVDStyler but that, as they say, is another story!