Archive for October, 2012|Monthly archive page


I read yesterday of the passing of the last remaining RAF pilot who fought in the Battle of Britain.  We’re coming up to that time of year when we take a moment to remember those who go to war on our behalf and who pay the ultimate price.  Through their deeds we currently enjoy certain freedoms that others seek to curtail because they don’t fit in with their political/racial/religious agendas.  Each seek to control, in one way or another, the lives of others, to make everyone else conform. Each pays lip service to “tolerance” but can be deeply intolerant of others’ views. Sadly, this is why humanity has seen so many conflicts, small and large.

Each year we hold services of remembrance, vowing never to forget the sacrifices made by those who’ve died in conflict, yet hardly a day goes by without us hearing of lives lost.  We do those people (military and civilian) a disservice by continuing to try to impose our will on others.  Maybe, one day, our species will wake up to itself and accept its diversity. Maybe then we can move forward.

When I started this post I intended calling it “An early ode” but, as can sometimes be the case with me, I got side-tracked 🙂  Here is the real reason for the post:


At age 14 you went to war,
Saw sights you’d never seen before,
You dared to go where no boy should
And did the very best you could
So young you were, and yet so brave
And in the end your life you gave
But do not feel you gave in vain
Whene’er the world’s at war again,
For years ahead, in each November,
Tears are shed, as we remember,
Silently, for minutes numbering 2
We stand, reflecting, thanking…