Archive for January, 2012|Monthly archive page

Weathering the weather

Astronomy can be a frustrating pastime at times.  The typical British weather we’ve been having lately has been a PITA!  It’s either clear early evening when I’ve just got home from work and winding down with a spot of food, only to cloud over later at around the time I’d think of setting up, or it’s so cloudy at first I abandon any idea of setting up, only to find that by 10PM the sky’s crystal clear!

All the time that Orion’s been in a favourable position for me to image I’ve been unable to get everything sorted out.  I did manage to get a half-decent image of the nebula back in November but any plans of doing a mosaic of the region have been thwarted.  Maybe I’m being a little ambitious.

I may turn my attention over the coming months to more northerly targets (unless I can get some quality imaging time in at the dark site) though some may require considerable numbers of subs to create a decent image.

Today was looking promising, but the clouds have rolled in again, so I shall return to familiarising myself with EQMOD etc.