Archive for August, 2010|Monthly archive page

Moon and Jupiter

Beautiful though the moon is, it makes imaging a nearby planet rather awkward.  If you set exposure to cut down the Moon’s brightness, you lose the planet.  If you set exposure for the planet, you over-expose the Moon!.  The following image is a bit of a fudge, really.  I took the exposure up as high as I could without washing out the Moon then generated two images from the original, one with exposure increased further to show up Jupiter, the other with it reduced, to show the Moon better.  The two images were then overlayed in GIMP.

Mystery object

Enjoyed a lovely clear sky last night, so decided to get a few pictures of the Moon and Jupiter, hoping also to capture Uranus.  I’m intrigued by the result, however.  Jupiter and the galilean moons are obvious bottom left of image and I think Uranus is as marked.  What’s puzzling me is what the green “fuzzy” is upper right!

King of Planets

My first Perseid caught on camera.  It just so happens it was passing Andromeda at the time!

meteor trail and Andromeda

Though I saw a few other meteors, some of which were  quite bright, sod’s law dictated that as soon as I pointed the camera in a different direction a meteor would streak across where it had been pointing! I’m working my way through the rest of my images to see if I got lucky elsewhere

At one point I saw two very bright, stationary flashes above Cassiopeia within a couple of seconds of each other, just like someone switching a bright torch on and off a couple of times