Archive for April, 2010|Monthly archive page

Getting to grips with image processing

First past the post (processing)

Above is a slightly processed version of an image I took on 17th April 2010.  I’m quite pleased with it though it’s not as sharp as I’d like.  I have tried using DeepSkyStacker to process and, while the image in the DSS interface shows quite a few stars (see below) I seem to “lose” them somewhere when using Gimp.  Tweaking some settings when loading the original RAW file into Gimp seems to help, but Ideally I’d like DSS to save a nice sharp JPG image for me to share.

Screenshot of DeepSkyStacker

UPDATE (8th July)

I’ve since found RawStudio for Linux with which I can adjust exposure, contrast, sharpness etc and then export the image as a JPEG or TIFF.  Not only that, I’ve also (via Star Gazers Lounge and Sky At Night Forums) been made aware of a piece of software called UniMap. So far I’ve only scratched the surface but all I can say is WOW!  One of the features of this software is its ability to scan an image and annotate it using information from chosen star catalogs.  As an example, I took the image of the plough shown above and passed it through.  The image is best seen full size to see the labels but I think you’ll find it impressive:

Amazing what Open Source Software can do!

New shiny

I finally gave in to temptation this week and purchased a digital SLR camera. Something I’ve wanted for a long time is a “proper” camera with which to take pictures. All I have to do now is get used to all the different settings! Fortunately it has a fully automatic mode which I’ll probably use for starters.

I seem to be developing a keen interest in astronomy these days and hope to use the camera for astrophotography so will hopefully one day be able to post some pics.

This week has been quite eventful with an Icelandic volcano sending up a huge cloud of ash resulting in UK airspace being closed for some 48 hours. Who knows? I may be able to snap a spectacular sunset or two, which we might have, apparently.

Earlier this week I met up with a local astronomical society and was immediately made to feel welcome. This was a relief as I normally steer clear of clubs. Far too many times in the past have I read of a group/club breaking up as a result of personality clashes or petty politics. I have a good feeling about the AS though.

Tomorrow evening should see another first: my first star party. Indications are that the weather will be good and we’ll hopefully get a reasonably clear sky.

Well that’s enough rambling for now..til next time..

What’s it all about?

Well, here I am with my first public blog (cue fanfare and public holiday…well, maybe not)!

I’ve toyed around with the idea for a while, even installing software on a server but figured I might as well use an address totally unconnected with my employer. Not that I’m likely to say anything contentious, but it saves me having to bother with a disclaimer!

I’ve no idea what pearls of wisdom (?!) I’ll inflict upon an unsuspecting world, nor whether there’s anybody who’s remotely interested in anything I have to say, but I guess the same applies to 99.9% of the blogs out there – only time will tell!

In future posts I hope to pass on my experiences with various software/hardware I use, along with solutions to problems I’ve encountered, but for now I shall return to persuading my HTC Hero to access my Unix email account!

P.S. Be prepared to se this blog in use various themes for a while – until I figure out which I like best!